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Oct 2014
He is sitting there across the way,
walks up to her thinking but has nothing to say.
She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
would she be like the others, would she be mean?

She glances up with the most beautiful eyes,
as he turns around he started to cry.
suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist,
the story now has a twist.

"Please come sit with me, there's room for another"
he's never loved any girl besides his mother.
he sits down nervous , yet tame
finnaly speaks "can I pleaseΒ Β have your name?"

he drinks his coffee as he stares across the room.
the daydream he had will be real soon.
she gives him a smile as he looks at the door,
He gets up and says "don't look so alone anymore"

They sit down and laugh all through breakfast.Β Β 
two soul mates together at last.
If it wasn't for that coffee shop one day ,
never would they ever feel that way.
Written by
Sadolecent  16/F/Under the Stars
(16/F/Under the Stars)   
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