Times are tough and tensions fierce Nothing's rare as love Our world is on the cusp of change So thanks for giving up Oh, you freshman Wiseman Oh, sophomore sage Thank you for sharing the wisdom You've gained in your old age "Our generation has failed" You say, observer that you are "We have nothing to take pride in Like the generations before" Oh, you teenage prophet Your knowledge knows no bounds Our generation is hopeless Or at least that's how it sounds In 14 years of living It seems you have assessed Your generation's future And with great success At 14 you knew equality was a pipe dream of the past Hatred and bigotry are the only things that last You're already too jaded for beauty or romance Your generation failed before it even had a chance So thanks for giving up before you can even drive a car For quitting before you're old enough to vote or go to war Throwing in the towel before you're allowed to drink at the bar Waving the white flag before the battle even starts I had dreams in my generation We had ideas for my generation We did things, in my generation For things we believed would help my generation But my generation is still very young The battle's barely started but that means it can be won So I can only imagine how yours must feel If you've already given up So thanks for the surrender, really I'm sure it's all that could be done Giving up must have been so much harder than Finding something to believe in.
Some kid posted some self-important poem about how 'TOTES ******* THIS GENERATION IS, DAWG!!!' and I felt like writing a reply.