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Oct 2014
I Asked For Only

I asked for a shelter; you gave me your home
I asked for acceptance; you loved me as your own
I asked for love; you gave me your heart
I asked for patience; you were here from the start
I asked for understanding; you have been to the core
I asked for very little; you gave me so much more

I was a stranger; you welcomed me just the same
Outcast and without purpose; you gave me a name
I was in prison; you came and visited me
Troubled and confused; you opened my eyes to see
I was naked and without clothes; you gave me something to wear
Cold and exposed; you took the time to care
I was hungry and thirsty; you gave me water and bread
And in doing so, my soul was also fed
I was sad; you gave me comfort and dried my tears
Scared and alone; you quieted my fears

In all my years I only dreamed that I could be this blessed
Now this dream a reality never adequately expressed
Written by
ShowYouLove  United States
(United States)   
   Courtney E and Erenn
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