The day we met I told you I loved you, And you laughed at me. Four years to the day and I said it again, And you kissed me on the cheek. Our personalities bite at each other. You're sweet and kind; I'm aggressive and bitter. You're the first thing people see about me; I'm the last they see of you. Four years to the day, And we still complete each other's sandwiches. I make obscure references, You buy me the things that fuel them anyways. People don't get us. Maybe it's because I'll always love you And You'll always see me as a sister. Our friendship is tightnit. Like the sweater for cold weather that I keep in my trunk just for you. I know you like the back of my hand, You know me more than anyone else could ever understand. Four years to the day, And this time I wouldn't change a thing about us. Because I'll always love you, My unrelated non-blood sister.