Should I be concerned about the state I'm in? I'm not sure how bad it is, honestly I can't tell because what used to be bad days are good days now and I guess that's what people mean when they say you'll learn how to live with it. I think you just become one with your demons and soon you're saying things you never thought you would like maybe happiness isn't all everyone says it is, maybe weakness is a kind of strength, maybe I just won't get better and that'll be okay because recovery is a marathon, not a sprint but some days I can't even bring myself to get out of bed so that trek seems impossible. I am getting used to the emptiness; I hardly think about it now, and by that I mean I always think about it so it doesn't seem like a big deal anymore and these days crying is a nonevent, my eyes are bloodshot more often than they are clear, and my friends have stopped asking how I'm doing. I guess I seem pretty stable and I guess that's accurate, I'm pretty regularly in a state of numbness manifesting itself in tequila and the word okay and art that people choose not to see the underlying meaning in. I have written a suicide note every day for the past six months but I call it poetry and that somehow makes it okay to say these things- by putting my turmoil into stanzas it becomes a metaphor rather than a cry for help and nobody will take this one seriously, either, nobody seems to be concerned about the state I'm in. I am learning to live with it.