It's elementary, my dear This bittersweet affection that I feel From one boy to the next I grew Ladder rungs of broken hearts
First grade Blonde hair and disarming smile Recess games and hallway passes A note in a diary and minutes spent giggling Never talking, always watching
Fourth grade Glasses frame of brown hair and thin shoulders Curious enigma to come and go A bit more literate diary entrees One year of crossed legs and shy smiles
Fifth grade A growing tree of lean muscle and blue eyes Short brown hair and a charming grin Side by side on a rubber track Gray skies and sweet goodbyes A bright dance floor and a shattered heart Miserable nights and heartbreak songs
Seventh grade Long dark hair and chocolate eyes This spring has brought a strange surprise Wiry muscle and soft cheeks Once admired, then adored An ongoing thrum of sweet affection Sidelong glances and gym class stares New discoveries and quiet realization Girl can love girl
Tenth grade A firecracker packed with mysterious boys And an enigmatic girl A bomb in the summer sky Spelling new names, new faces, new hearts A whisper of 'I love you' at long last returned Names carved on my ribs and pulling my lips A tightened chest never felt so good