****** A word I have heard a thousand times A thousand different ways But has always sounded the same, Like ignorance
A word that has never left me feeling worthless Or unloved Just misunderstood
Even when followed by being thrown into the bathroom stall of a Girl's gymΒ Β locker room Or by the few friends I had left helping me clean up my battered face and the hide the bruises
I have always been proud of the term ****** because even though it was said to be offensive I was being acknowledged as me
But when the word was spilled by the woman who once rocked me to sleep till I was no longer scared The woman who has always protected me It was then that all the pain I ever should have felt Took a hold of my heart and ran it up to my throat until the pain leaked from my eyes I was angry I was sad And I was scared Because I knew that word was always followed by violence And I didn't think that I would be able to walk with my head held high from this one My face turned red and my blood turned cold and I watched my father defend me Finally I stopped him and I looked at her And I said yes, but I'm your ******