With a quill over paper For muse, we are excavators We pour out our hearts So joy, love, peace to impart To hold a torch over emotional darkness To fill each others hollowness Its for the love we write
When we write We are called poets A name fitting and right But your theft just says you are mentally poor Reducing you further to a mere thief And nothing close to a P Not to talk of a poet.
The moon is not a thing you can steal Trust me its pure folly That's a dumb idea to conceive Posting others' poems Posting like a poet? Like seriously How does that sound to 'your' hearing? DUMB Even so, to even dare, you must be too dumb to realize its dumb
To acknowledge is not so hard Its just adding one more line on your pad I want to deceive myself that you are not too dumb to know that If you didn't know, now you do.
PS: You could post my poem That does not make you a poet It just makes you a thief Suffice it to say, the worst kind Without robbing me of the fact that I'm a POET