September's sinking sun summons shorter days, persimmon's pearled berries have been gobbled up, sultry sunflowers still stand tall, but court their namesake's light coyly now, perhaps knowing it will starve them out when its arc loses length to the earth's taunting tilt
mercury crawls slowly down the tube: 100, 90, 80, 70, like blood returning to the heart for a fresh start, until it settles in its own vesicle, patiently waiting for heat's return to pump it once again through its brittle artery
I have no patience to wait for its return, no long yawn to greet eternal days, for I am cursed to know September's soft songs give way to October's ambivalent skies, and to November's naked ****** of all things green and gold December then, need not utter a sound to convince me what leaden fate awaits the long forgotten ghosts of summer, and the seeds I have yet to sow in futile ground