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Aug 2014
it is incomprehensible
to believe that never before
have my eyes been opened
to the galaxy that lingers
within you.

I do not know
how a smile so familiar, so kind, so warm
and so often returned
can only now
feel like home.

I can't seem to pinpoint
how such a vicious storm
made of roaring oceans and bolts of light
that paralyze
my every last bone inside
only just now begin to fill my insides
when your heart beats close to mine.

Only now are long nights beginning
to make sense
only now am I beginning to see
and not to see, but to question
Why I've spent an eternity
searching cities filled with treasure
and adventure and promise and gold
when a certain potential,
a promise of happiness
may have been lingering
by my side
all along.
haven't written many poems lately, been focusing more on ze novel, hope peeps enjoy
Hannah Beth
Written by
Hannah Beth  Ireland
       Shannon Jeffery, ---, Rj, Elle, aar505n and 14 others
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