Your lips competitively express the fervent language of ****** love, bring me back so quick the mellow taste of nectar from banana flowers fresh, I used to tenderly **** in busy bee childhood days at my tropical green paradise.
you are lush, an aromatic plant gently seducing the wanton wind, the surge of love makes you drenched in dew all over the fragrance will soon floor me if I don't lean over your trunk and gently sway with the wind
Your supple tongue displays an intimacy,that goes far it explores the interior secrets of my mouth's sensuous softness blessed creature, you've a special gift to make me melt my heart instantly skips beat amorous i become, get stiff and my face receives the dark flow of your tumbled hair that smells jasmine and feminine fragrance,
long fingers entwine with mine, tell hurriedly on wants and heart's design my slow fingers trace the contours of your shapely hips, lips respond, that makes you tell me the story the moon told mist, making it melt and mingle with the moon beams till the night lasts.