‘She’s but a waste,’ some might say, The antiquated demons perched Atop her ***** shoulder, howl those words effortlessly. Oh, how they mock her; a doomed admonition- A pitiful, wretched villain Incapable of standing still.
‘She’ll rob you blind,’ they might whisper, From the highest peak of their pedestals and podiums, Scrutinizing her wiggles and writhes, ruthlessly. Oh, how they taunt her; a mirrored representation of ego- A reputed captivation ******, sober but for now Idly biding her time
‘She’s insane!’ they’ll declare, Lounging in their Queen Annes, Finalizing her score, most offensively. Oh, how they wallop her; casting pebbles from their pristine form- Upon the ribbed web of her spiritual coop Faust, lying in wait.
‘aha!’ they’ll proclaim From the rusted thrones of purity Tallying her blunders to the nth. How they scream through bitten tongue Into that, what is left of her vitality Cascading into degradation Feeding her indignation Gripping her last temptation