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Aug 2014
There's a man on the bus
who I had never really noticed much
except for knowing that I hadn't noticed him much
I think we all have those people
he always had sunglasses and a coat on
even when it was hot out he'd be all covered up
he intrigued me
and I wasn't sure why he just did

one day I stayed on the bus route
yet the man remained on the bus
I thought nothing of it until I did it again
the man never moved
so I tested him
each day waiting longer and longer
never once did the man
leave his seat and walk off the bus

it intrigued me
where could he be going
where could he be coming from
did he have a wife?
any kids? a job? a life?
I had to ask him before I began to crack
it turns out he was just
the bus drivers coat rack
Written by
Tark Wain
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