A boy he was Long, long ago As he glided into the chromed and teal druggist shop 1950s it was Vintage years Women in pert dresses Men in sharp taupe suits Filled the shop with a smoky manner On that summer Sunday afternoon Fan bladed just a-turnin' Right through time itself
He saw this box before Jeweled, valuable big music box Been here not too long Breathing in a flavored breath He saw another it The black round of pure bliss "Blue Suede Shoes" by Elvis Presley The white letterin' said Letter G Number 4 Hands ***** cold metal from warm pockets Slipping them into the maiden's shelter Fingers to buttons, Arm to record Music to shop "Well, it's one for the money, Two for the show, Three to get ready, Now go, cat, go." Floated in mass commodity Away the ears and mind blew in the wind Far from his hometown Far from his school And far from everything he already knew...
Daydream ended too soon for his comfort The boy stared at the flashy box And spoke a quiet goodbye Tile guided him out the ringing door Concrete guided him home Where now the older him Lives crooked, but happy With a dear old woman who loves him more than anything else And a jukebox With many records in it But one is still on top "Blue Suede Shoes" by Elvis Presley In chipped, faded lettering