Really used to have it on the ball. Really used to have it on the ball. No longer do I roll along. Looks like I had a fall. Really used to have it on the ball. Bridges that I used to cross— now I just can’t go. They were closed so long ago. I’m always the last one to know. Really used to have me a shine. Really used to have me a shine. I don’t want to twinkle now, even though I am so bright. Really used to have me a shine. Bridges that I used to cross— now I just can’t go. I’m always the last one to know. Really used to travel; now I don’t. Really used to travel; now I don’t. I’m afraid to drive around with such a heavy load. Really used to travel; now I don’t. Bridges that I need to cross— I know I’ll find that road that is never closed. I won’t be the last one to know.
From, The Transitive Nightfall Of Diamonds, due out 8/14 from iUniverse books