Ernest Hemingway once said to write hard and clear about what hurts what he didn't say was how hard it would be to write about the raw feeling my heart would get when you ripped your part away and he did not speak of how difficult it would be to choke back everything and leave it for the night sky to listen to my broken cries for you
he never mentioned in that quote what it would be like to find you with another and how i'd have to feign happiness when all i saw around me was blackness and how when i saw you for the first time after the storm you'd look at me like i was a foreigner someone who never kissed your lips or touched your skin and while my fingertips burned with recognition of the soft yet hard skin of you you turned the other cheek, the one i kissed endlessly
when i read that quote i thought long and hard about what hurts and the first thought that came to me was you it will always be you