"What a doll!" "Porcelain" "Perfect in every way!" They never knew that she would go, Mentally insane. She was so convinced That her life, Was nothing but a waste. Yet she was blind by the feel, And the sickening taste, of an evil love.
She had the love, She had the life, But Everything she lost. For this bad love had no price, No amount and no cost.
For what she had paid him, Was her soul, The ultimate sacrifice. She had given her life to an evil man. For a piece of a happy life.
But she had given her life to him. And her life was at an end, Her survival was now sink or swim. And she had no family or friend.
She was caught in the fall, The wind in her face, The feel of his breath, With his chokehold embrace. To escape it she ran, With what strength that she had, She returned to the spot where it all began. Yet it was too late, To return to her life. She sold her soul, And took her own life.
A poem about an ex that was controlling and physically abusive to me.