My mood again a steady constant still low, always low but constant so I seek the solutions, search for normal I approach and offer myself over to those, the better minds, the doctors they are wise and educated and have magic in the form of pills that I consume reporting back the basics, this didn't work that isn't helping so they raise and lower doses prescribing cures in pills and always asking questions writing this and that factual results down they see errors in my mind and I feel restless again and again changing their minds as I consume and return the effectiveness or lack therein all I ;want is the sky that felt light and tasted fragrant yet so goes my search for my cure as each is different seeking that fabled equalibrium, that balance aiming for the land of sunshine and the state known once as happiness again, always where life is and emotions can be steady, ups and downs continuously changing in workable highs and lows but alas, I am unable, and I continue only to try the new, the stronger the most documented cure alls of more pill to be taken with water day or night forever dosing, hoping and trying to find my life chasing that notion of what it is to feel alright