- The actions you carried is the person you are claiming to.
- You swallowed your own words for insulting other people and that will come back to you
- You share blessings and a lot of opportunities will come to you or double the prize will reward to you
- "Don't judge the book by its cover."
- "Do unto others, if you want others do unto you"
- 2 types of karma: a good karma & a bad karma ( you can't predict when will it hits you but be careful on your actions and words cause we don't know when will it happen )
2. Contemplating Within You
- You can't get back to where it belongs but you can only stand for it and move on. ( you can't get back to those happy moments when you're still a kid because the Almighty up above planned your life to where it should be. You should learn and not be afraid to commit mistakes because every fall you had is an ounce of every foot steps you would take & to look forward in your life that you should never be frown to it. If God gives you that kind of events or things in you, you should humbly accept it and be brave to take its challenges cause you are stronger than that )
- There's always a reason for every thing and everything just happen for a reason.
- "Be honest with yourself."
- "Love yourself as much as you love thy neighbors."
- "Open your eyes and look for right." 'Be the light by One Ok Rock' ( Maybe this is the best line in a song that i'm looking to. And may apply it to ourselves as well )
I might add this one. July 7, 2014 Copyright Jerelii