They say a journey of a thousand miles Begins with a s i n g l e Step. Well, this is my first step. Right here, right now, I say-no, I DECLARE- That I will find and cherish one-thousand moments of Joy This summer. I have 81 Precious, glorious days and I am 100-and-31 percent determined To find life in each and every one - 13 bits of happiness by each midnight, to be Precise. I am taking a one-thousand challenge, The same way people make one-thousand paper cranes, Or try and count one-thousand stars, Or have a bucket list numbered neatly to Just Beyond nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine. I will find one-thousand things That make me happy. And maybe, just maybe, When I reach my goal I will find myself, Like elusive laughter floating away from the end Of a Rainbow.