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May 2014
She is pretty and bright
She laughs at the jokes
And she sings along

She goes on hot dates
She makes the guys drool
And she is all too alluring

She is funny and sweet
She is a pleasure to meet
And she is liked by plenty

She plays and she smiles
She is supportive and kind
And she holds anyone's hand

She winks at the boys
She is flirty and fun
And she hides it very well

She weeps when there is no one to see
She does things no one would believe
And she screams at herself obscenities

She claws at her skin
She fears she'll give in
And she has no one to tell

She hates her reflection
She knows she's unworthy
And she'll never be released

She drinks too much in silence
She cuts a couple fresh wounds
And she wonders when it will stop

She's an addictive personality
She's addicted to bleeding
And she wishes someone would see
Written by
Xyns  Where Is My Mind?
(Where Is My Mind?)   
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