What is the definition of beauty? I look at my face to see, The eyeliner dark, The highlights of my cheeks, Powdered imperviously. Mascara thick and Lipstick bright, I look like every girl here.
What is the definition of beauty? Nothing can get through to me. I don't cry: That would ruin my placid personality. Out in the rain I hide Under a black umbrella, Never wanting to dance.
What is the definition of Beauty? No makeup can matter: People can see I'm happy in my Lucky lucid Eyes. I'm never hiding behind myself, I'm learning to enjoy who I am. I love I laugh I'm having fun, I dance out in that rain. My red umbrella bouncing along as I Jump from puddle to puddle. Nobody can pretend I'm exactly as The girl across the street. I'm who I am and living it, The difference of beauty and Beauty is in Me.
Sometimes I struggle with who I am because I am not always excepted by those I admire. They often see beauty as an outside force, not as a inherit trait. I hope I don't judge like they do: Beauty resides on the heart.
Serendip Definition: a southern land of spices and warmth