To the pacient poet, who saw the world falling into perdition, I, another young, I say to you which nowadays everything's much more lost.
Perhaps above our heads there's peace. However, each day which passes I start to believe much more in the pessimism which Assis nurtured for so long.
I never did my words of others' actions, because in the midst of such human evolution, I believe, then, in the need for innovation which we are charged daily. Nevertheless, I can realize the insignificance of this my thought when suddenly I become the direct agent.
We move with such stupidity that I doubt our rationality I'm sorry for getting only negativity, but the deeds are disgusting and who'll say about reasons?
I see the kids running without even knowing what happens and I can't feel another thing except pity and will to try to change the awful future which we'll let them.
When that secret war comes back, my hope shrinks and vanishes. When misery prevails my disgust grows. When the innocent die, and they treat them disdainfully, my hand sweats and shakes; it shakes more than it sweats and it sweats more than it writes.
The palace can't collapse Because it's more important for this country's beauty than the own survival. While everything collapses outside, we protect the coffers; after all, the future is so close!