Violent roses give me woozes everyday I'm hammered on my own something is always slipping through a filter of justifications
language misrepresents me I don't think words that spread ideas like intrinsic responsibility are relavent outside of cults of personality So I'd prefer to say through a filter of new ideas of what safe thoughts are in a fear house reinterpreted
Soft violet soup gifting a brainhorse with a two by four or convictions falling out of atrophy or perhaps a lack of neccessity
I don't know maybe a letting go of an abusive tack that pressed you to let go of joy
Oh I don't knoowoh To find yourself a damaged adult with a mind aimed at forgetfulness and forgivefulness
A new rage forms in tandem with a promise to a menacing question asked by those who unfetttered their wallets
but that was ages ago
and now it's time for a letting go at least that's what the last night alone begot
but who is past that inside lie that furthers time