Caught up in a generation, Where our strengths are attached to our egos Caught up in a generation, Where our insecurities are hidden behind the weaknesses of our hearts Broken promises creates cuts in our memories, And their scars are a reminder of who we no longer trust.
We run our mouths longer than we train our brains, So we quickly get tired of our own thoughts And the only source of hydration we seek is the validation of others.
Our tears are a reflection of how strong we wish we could be We are haunted by our past, And killed by our future The present moment is the only time we are free.
Encouraged to be ourselves Yet we are judged for being ourselves Silenced into individuality, Yet we scream for each other’s help.
Adolescents are rushed into growing up And yet they fear growing old We demand kindness and warmth Yet our actions towards the ones who love us are cold.