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Apr 2014
a voice in the background told us to listen
but we didn't care
we kissed
i remember you told me the first time you saw me you wanted to run up and kiss me
but that was a different time
different words
you pulled off my dress
"you're so hot, god, you're so hot."
but i didn't hear you say that then
i heard you call me beautiful
then you ripped my tights and suddenly i was getting up off the floor using my hand to wipe away what you thought you wanted off my lips
and then laughing
there weren't stars that night because they were in our eyes
"wait", you said
and then kissed me good-night
good-bye, i mean, you kissed me good-bye
then came the "i'm sorry"
the "i'm sorry for what i made you do to me"
"i'm sorry for never treating you like a human being"
"i'm so so sorry"

You wouldn't stop saying it just like the way you wouldn't stop kissing me

I'm sorry, too, I said.
I'm sorry that all of me was never enough.
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