Killing me harshly is the pleasure of a thousand lullabies And am I the one that pleases thee Till I am standing not on my feet but on all of my limbs Little ****** of sensation filter their way into your soul Yawning at a time like this doesn't bode well for your aspirations Never mind the things that seep out of your mind.
Fragile glass fingertips grace the pillows of nothing Racing to feel again and touch something Any excuses to sensationalize your memories Negating the reality of past experiences Clinging to the thought of a paradise Expunging the ruby tears that rain down from your eyelids Smothering the lipid-laced treats that linger on the tongue
More than ever shall we dance again Over the river bending into the graveyard Rolling down the grassy hills Across the metamorphosis of a Tiger Lilly Let me bloom into the unknown Escape the neglect of myself. Sooth the soul and let it keep fluttering