Oh, you thought you got a good boy Your head’s about to spin like this room you locked me in You haven’t seen the devil within I put the HELL in hello Now you’re done - Go and climb the rung See what awaits the further you decline Down in the depths with you In the house of horrors we grew Oh baby, I’m in a mood
You expected obedience - But I break all the rules and set the tone With the demons I own, oh baby, you’re never alone I’ll break you like the leather does to flesh Bruise your heart and leave the welts The more I take, the more you get wet Need me more with every breath And I’m just a drawstring away Go on and show how you worship Pray to god with my staff deep in your chord I’ll be forever grateful Sate me like a satyr desperate to breed! Oh baby, I’m a mood.
You thought you got a good boy, Thought you could command “sit boy” But you didn’t see the supremacy Dominance is all that’s become of me Devil you invited in Demon that you can’t escape Oh baby, I put the HELL in hello! I’m in a mood!