It always starts this way... you fold a paper airplane throw it it fly...swoop only to crash "Its like love" he said turning over in bed the next time he spoke he asked for money
"Its like love" I thought...asΒ I walked out the door thinking...nothing is ever like love... what good is it to compare what you want....and what is "nog eentje" I say...and sip beer quickly it's always so dark over here
one foot then the other... keep...counting as you...make your...way across tracks and cobbles through crowds and rain one drink too many.....but always too few a separate issue now no longer love in question just lust and hunger for release
"are you alone now" he said "no...I'm with you" He reaches for my hand... I'm reaching for my drink... we collide smashesΒ to the floor....bleeds red wine
a calm feeling now....after kissing and *** the smell soothes...yet...creates confusion an odour of such delight makes one feel... feel so filthy...."its a necessary evil" he said and as i close the last shirt button I say "believe has nothing to do with heaven"