I came to this graveyard with all my dollies today,
I’ll play with Malorie and you can have Rei.
Little morgue angel why do weep?
Is it because you cannot sleep?
Ill sit here I won't make a peep You just lay here and I'll watch you I promise to be sweet
I’ll just wait here for you sorrow sweet angel.
Little graveyard girl what happened to you?
You look all ****** and bruised!
Please graveyard girl don’t scream at me
I just want to help you! Please let's leave!
Small cemetery child why does it smell;
Like rotting flesh and toxic waste? Please let me help tie your lace
Your body looks so damaged and broke , It's making me choke
I don’t understand why you stay in this place!
I’m trying to help you get out,
Yet your eyes are so dull They won't sparkle at all
And you’re sitting in the dirt, like a garden gnome would Afraid to get up afraid if you could
Churchyard princess it’s time to go!
Why won’t you leave?
The cross is melting Please come with me.
I can’t stay here anymore, this place will make me fade away; These other kids they don't want to play They think I'm ***** they think I should get out of the way
Please don’t abandon me! Maggots feast on your dress And I know I can't go home Feeling so cold No one will feel the same about me
I can’t stand the thought of being alone.
Burial ground baby you’re starting to rot!
Little morgue girl please stop!
Before I leave and fade away, stuck in this cemetery prison Before he is risen
I haven’t even had time to play a single game with you.
My graveyard girl has forgotten about me She left and got stranded out in sea I knew she would have been safer right here next to me
Now all I believe
Is that she really truly needed someone to save her from her own decomposition that was seldom never right
She's faded away and now I don't know if she found the light.
They took me away, separated our faith and now she will forever never remain