so there's this boy.... his eyes are pool's of blue I'd so willingly drown in. And when he smiles I just can't help but stare and smile too. so there's this boy.... And let me tell you, I can see it all. I can see how he'll look at me early in the morning when we first wake up, or how late at night he'll pull me close. I see all the love that would be shared between us, the late movie night's and early breakfast's before work. sometimes I feel like we could be holding an eternity of possibilities in our hands. so there's this boy.... And you may not believe me but he's got a heart of gold.... it shines through everything he does. how he talks to people, conversating like it's the best part of his day. it's in all the little things you wouldn't notice if you didn't truly look. but it's in everything he does. so there's this boy.... And I can't seem to stop thinking about him.... and he probably doesn't even know. but I'm telling you there's this boy and every time he comes to mind, I get a glimpse of what we truly could be.