the thought that we came from nothing and we’ll go back to being nothing not taking anything with us
(perhaps not even our memories perhaps we are to be born anew once we shed off this skin of a body that only acts as a vessel for our souls)
..puts me at ease calms my nerves down makes everything less intense all the suffering, loss and endurance seems small once you look at the bigger picture
once you zoom out from it all leave your worries and fears of tomorrow behind a day that hasn’t come yet leave regret in the past because you can no longer change the outcome what’s been said and done
focus on the present and right now? you are exactly where you’re meant to be you cannot skip ahead or rewind your way through life
you’re meant to live it by the second to let it flow through you to not get attached to this or that people come and go material things are only objects to fill the ego
what you really own is your spirit and what you bring into this world what help you offer to those who struggle what kindness you share and what selfless acts that breed genuine connections
not based on surface-level but deep, meaningful ones that help you learn and grow into becoming the best version of yourself.
-i'm not sure what started this whole stream of consciousness thing but sometimes once i start putting them into words i can't stop, so this is just a peek into my mind, when there's nothing there, when i'm not in the midst of chaos.