If you will, I do presume, as I know my medium,
I am not set cold lead type read backwards
by printer's daemons,
for centuries,
to you, words, ready
for many readers,
at once,
at a rally, all receive fliers, and tracts,
-- who and how was paper made back when
the noblest institutions of high order master
hereditary right, the nation owns any born
on American soil, I knew a guy from Nogales,
he got drafted same day as me, he was a citizen
and all who spread the message attested to, see
it's true, I drank the generic flavored water, see
Only my misgivings have been taken up,
into considerate response
to my insistance, art
does good when used
to hope with, made hopefully,
easy to copy and paste and think
today I intended to enjoy my case, true
that is what we call worth-ship, true rest, worth made
art with patience
be, worthy upon reexamination, dailies, marking time
minutes or days
worth the price, being paid
for me, I laugh and recall,
Sgt. John Whykill,
to ask him, would he mind, recollection
he died last year, around now,
he laughs
of course not, why would he, we agreed,
in the spirit,
noblest occupation isΒ Β bagging peace seeds,
any thing we find first peaceable, first touch feels good,
blessed silly so good sometimes, submersion, getting there,
just pretend
clear, I did not hear, but sometimes,
I can remember hearing some body imagine,
seeing a rainbow clad entity conceived sorta like us,
feminine angelic spirit being, all visuals are imagined
I never have forgotten some thing I learned,
from a man confined to a VA hospital
in Miami, I miss him, then I think
we had all our best moments laughing.
We got to the bottom of it all.
Being old and unaccountable to any, by circumstance, I try to act free...
bottom line, dead men do not pay debts, so all the war debt's paid.
Any child told nothing but the truth can unbelieve war wise, done by anyone.