You and I in the Universe and no one around. Like my life has completed the circle right now. There were people, so many of them, but now no one. And I want to change nothing at all for no one.
I don’t want to hand back that unwanted and useless run. To someone, for something, for some reason, for or against anyone. I didn’t know goal, I didn't feel meaning, I didn’t see end, But rushed and teared to pieces without any bend.
I didn’t see light, didn’t hear the truth at all. And I realized that my measly life not to all. But I was like a demented and crazy crack. Rushing in there, I said the whole time: “No one step back!”
I’ve paused my life or maybe I’ve stopped. And in that hysterics I’ve almost overshot.
You and I in the Universe – let it be so. Hold my hand. I’m blind and in the gloom in whole. But I’m alive! Look, I’m breathing by chest. I’m not in a hurry now. I just want to rest.