1 life where I never got to know your name where life went on the same but everything felt meaningless Where your presence was lacking
2 where I roam this world, is it flat? Round? Does it matter if you were never found? Everyone seems off, nothing makes sense Everything around me leaves me in suspense
3 Where I was a made man, wealthy and healthy But I sit alone in my penthouse My only companion is in the wall a mouse So better of that without you I fell lesser than
4 where we passed each other, I say hi where you didn’t care I was Bi Yet we never made eye contact You never kept in touch a friend, yet that’s where it ended
5 I meet you at the cinema, you spilled my popcorn 6 where you were male and I the feme fatale 7 where I cried like hail, where milo was never born
8 where we made it, and we kissed under the sun But 9, definitively, is where we met No matter how it went about, we got the true ending Where you are my Bun, you’re fine, we’re set
To the 9th life, where alternates failed to complete A future we grab with both hands To demons we’ll defeat, to quirks the world will never understand To the 9th try, where we defied fate
Same story as last time, he really likes being called "Nine" so I interpreted 9 what if scenarios for them.