I wanna run to you in an airport Like they do in 90s romance movies Because I miss you and I’ve been away from home for two years
I want to sit on the beach and explain the landscape that You know better than I do In the language it was originally loved in, that You never bothered to learn
Why would you? You dip your feet shallowly Into the water instead of dunking yourself Like I do, down up down up down Because you’ll be back tomorrow And I’ll spend fractions of me
Waiting for a call or a text For 20 bucks to send you To breathe plumeria-scented air From the oil on the skin of your neck For a picture of the freckles on the webbing
between your index and thumb, and the ring That I bought you before I left so that in the pictures you post with your white boyfriend I’m there on your finger
So when he’s teaching you the ‘local’ lifestyle I’m there on your finger So when you island hop for a surfing class You keep me on your finger, where I can feel the waves.
I want to come home but I can’t, not before I buy you a new ring, out here in the empty expanse of a Where’s Waldo puzzle It has to be
Something expensive, something durable That won’t tarnish in the island humidity, something that your San-Francisco friends will ooh and ahh at Because I want to see you wearing it when I get home.
I’ve been away from home for fifteen years I return in my dreams, but the soil doesn’t feel right, and the love isn’t how my mother’s father’s father described it
At the beach, lots of people swim, but no one else Keeps their head under and lets the water breathe life into their hair. Lets the water into their mouth, chokes, then does it again. But I like the way you
Dipped your feet in when you watched me Leave, on a boat chasing Troy Venus my northern star As I enter the storm
My boat floats through the violence, against Poseidon’s abundant will because my sail made up of duct-taped exam scores And half-organized sermons Is mightier than any of his sons
I’ve been away since 700 BCE But you’ll still know me when I come home
Love for a person but really a place but maybe the person because of the place?