To me, you'll always be a burgeoning carnation beside withered tulips,
You never fail to shield me like how the moon stitches itself to the sun in a solar eclipse.
I want to do the same for you, but don't know how to mend anything when the seams of your tapestry brittle,
I can't embroider, nor can I sew but if it's for you, I'll try, little by little,
If you'll let my thread pass your torn fabric, I promise to tend as well as I can,
Even if my fingers become indigo with tedium, I'll intertwine with all I am.
Silken heart of the purest fragility,
Luminescent in ebony, but still supple with tranquillity.
I'd like to be the same for you, but I don't know how to be anything more than bitter candlelight,
I can't give the lustre you need, but I'll try, in hopes one day I might,
If one dusk, I'm even a flitter more to you than a *** of wax sat on your windowsill,
If that ever happens, to give you light, I'll perch forever content, without an Until.
This poem is about trying to reciprocate the joy someone brings to you. It can be interpreted several different ways such as romantic or familial love however I wrote it about friendship but you can read and apply to whatever context you like <3