Sometimes we need a place to be alone with God When you feel walked over like a sad piece of sod We need to find a secret place, the soul's retreat Where the love between heaven and earth shall meet I can disappear inside the shadow of his wings And know the peace that true closeness brings I can fly away and leave this world and its cares behind It is in these times that the Lord will gently remind Us He is our strength and our strong tower And in his radiant glory, the darkness will cower I will wash in the stream of eternal life By grace, I will be made like new I will bask in healing warmth of the light Of love that can only come from You I will join the angels in their unending son And dance with every ounce of my being I will sit at your feet the whole day long I can scarce take in the splendor I'm seeing I will spend an hour in your presence But a second is an hour, an hour is a day My soul finds a pure profound pleasance And, once again, I know that I will be okay