I think of things that I know are just a fantasy I often imagine a different reality
I imagine a reality where me and you lasted Where I didn’t flee from my feelings And they weren't just blasted away By my insecurities
I imagine a reality where I get to see you smile And laugh Every single day
I imagine a reality where your existence makes my day And you make me consistently feel okay
I often imagine this reality Maybe a few times a month Because I try not to get too lost Too caught up In such a fantasy Because then my feeling may overflow More than they already do
I know you don't think of this fantasy world This fake reality Because I know I hurt you beyond trust Beyond repair So I just wish that maybe you'll consider a friendship
But you never do Because you hate you And you want me to
But I'll never hate you And I never have Because you live in my heart In my mind And in my soul And I don't think I'll ever be able to Just let these feelings go