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I sometimes wonder silently
If you even comprehend
The way you makes me feel these days
These days before the end
I am not even human
Just an object to be used
If told I'm not an N.P.C.
I wonder would you be confused?
Our days infact are numbered
I'm not sure how many days are left
So I detatch mentally when we fight
And while you scream I hold my breath
Toxic is our new normal
That's why we can not be
Our time as a couple is long over
There is no more "us" between you and me
Maybe someday you'll understand
What it means to love someone
To be there through their bad and good
Not only there for just their fun
If I could be granted
Just one simple wish
I'd wish for all hearts to heal
So that noone else would ever feel like this
The end is getting closer now
There is no need to pretend
But I promise too remember the good days too
Not just these days before the end.
Hawley Anne
Written by
Hawley Anne  29/F/Vancouver BC
(29/F/Vancouver BC)   
   Rob Rutledge
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