I got the message today, the finality is alarming How all veils have been removed, as its regarding Or would be love story, If I could be the One Who takes you to see the moon and not get boiled by the sun
I shiver, I cry, I hope you didn't take to heart The anger I spewed and the hope it doesnt break us apart I came like a volcano, and you a Tsunami Only now does it dawn for me how you're so far from me
I said thing to instill a reaction But instead of satisfaction I get the realization that this extended vacation will be our dedication to what was and will never be
A girl and a boy manage to become best friend But boy falls in love and girl follows suite Unknowing they'd be each others rock, person Now one stands firm and the other uncertain
Does it end tonight, do angered words repel honeyed apologies? Can love conquer all and fulfill their destiny? Do they become ones Soul mates to now polar opposites Or day even more distant, now used to be's and Pessimists?
A poem on a current situation, a sequel of sorts to whale call, it hurts to type this all.