You are a very precious friend Whom I would always defend No matter what Of course, you know that Always, do you understand me Even better than I understand myself!
You are a very precious friend By nature, are you quite kind Very helpful and trustworthy Always, do you make people happy Very sincere and hardworking And last but not the least Quite sweet and caring!!
You are a very precious friend Of whom, am I very fond You were even a fantastic colleague So proud was I, to be part of your league Going to office together And returning together Absolutely nothing can beat those days Because we managed to keep stress at bay Of course, there were a lot of issues However, our friendship ultimately saved the day You in particular, showed the way With your fierce determination and indomitable spirit From no one, did you take any ****!!
You are a very precious friend With an extremely shrewd mind Twice, have you saved me from a crisis Always do you happen to know, what goes amiss Your family is my family And my family is your family Our relationship is proof That blood need not always be thicker than water And for you, deeply do I care May the Lord bless you With loads of love, happiness, peace and prosperity!!
Dedicated to Tamil Elakiya, a very close family friend of mine