What were the temples Of the tribes, Judea Brothels of slave Shepards Of child lovers And Christiandom was it's continuation, post revolt Back it all goes back to Rome Further back than that To Greece But ultimately the nomads who settled In the land we call Egypt These are the freaks The monsters throughout history Who eat of their own young and Lay with them Who manipulated what were the Pagans Who continued on slavery, after the End of its practice. Cybele & Attis, The cults that taught Drugging as a tool To manipulate behavior Bend the rules, in their favor Far off in Europe and since The civil war, in America And it was Truman's gang That hijacked us They have been hijacking Various belief and countries, For as long as there have been them. We got back control With some of us Americans getting in And then they shot that young man Going through Dallas, Texas And ever since, it has been Foreign elements pulling strings Foul false Americans Because they made of us Of our conservative society One of shame, one of privacy Where normal people like you and me Are afraid to speak out for what is right In the face of ignorance In the stead of savagery They blackmailed and extorted our politicians Right before our very eyes I tell you, wake up Be political, and only trust Americans Including our southern siblings Common people like us Who merely wish to live free lives
I am not in favor of isolationism or xenophobia and I have no qualms with anyone who worships God. The Lord is righteous, it is man who is corruptible