You can really hurt yourself If you hold your breath too long, Headaches and dulled vision, Part way to passing out with enough Determination, Add water and depth and a swift rise, The bends as bubbles of gas Form in unhelpful places, Or swam too deep too far And barely making the surface That suddenly seems so far From my feebly flapping limbs,
I guess we have all held Our breath across the years, Waiting on some thing or someone To finally come good, Or arrive or even just to be, Somehow or somewhere or somewhen, Breath suspended, Life on hold just waiting with Inextinguishable hope Of something good, And precious, Worth waiting for,
Well I know I have, And I know I have been the one, The thing and or the circumstance That has caused breath to be held, And to my shame not always Was I worth it, But now - actually it is me with bursting lungs, And the pain is near unbearable, Perhaps time to let out that air with A loud and pain filled gush, To turn and start the swim To shore