Within the stability Of a late-night bed, thighs part fully from words given.. Words, sent
Hands on curved hips; *******, to bare chest..
As the daughter of Light is lifted up
there is an Entering
In Seed-splashed egg a New Beginning;
Chains of steel falling free within the warmth of each new Pulsing
(there is the sound of Ecstacy on the inside of the door; on the other side of it-- the forever-harsh clank, of judgement)
turn off the light take a deep breath..
and relax https://youtu.be/xhuFX9InMQA
"The fiery stuff of all my ability to will seethes tremendously, all that I might do circles around me, still without actuality in the world, flung together and seemingly inseparable,
Alluring glimpses of powers flicker from all the uttermost bounds:
The universe is my temptation, and I achieve being in an instant, with both hands plunged deep in the fire, where the single deed is hidden..
the deed which aims at me .. now is the moment." ~M.B.