Plain and brown Ubiquitous Seen yet never seen Like street workers Or bellhops Or busboys Or homeless.
Scrappy little scavengers Scraping out a small lifespan In cracks of concrete In city streets smelling Of asphalt and skidmarks.
They hop along Like yesterday's newspaper Or a 5X81/2 inch flier For last night's bar-band. Dandelion's fluff.
Outside of McDonald's They congregate competing With each other for Hamburger buns which Cling to cold Half eaten cheeseburgers. Greasy french fries Which cause congestion In their legs so severe That they shrivel up And fall off.
Yet God sees every one Of them. Loves them. His eye is always on them. They do not fall From the branch Without being Counted.
A freedom we Will never know Is their portion.
They are unencumbered By the ground While we are It's slaves.
Their 🎶🎶🎶 Tells us we will Always be thus. We will always envy The soul of sparrows.