my pathetic desperacy all epic with a naturalistic misery angels hailed my numbers now my calculations fumble the rest the equation unsettled on an aimless quest everything has changed but the undeserved trust is an ultimate unattained my state in dooms orbiting faces behind moons a wreckage when asleep like the neptunes called me she said hit the lights but the blinds blinded my sights wonderful a little optimism whisks me hopeful forget forever the features that lulled me once to my breather now something broken don't worry nothing stolen for me to stick for me to piece neat queen the rusted diamonds under my seat follow the heart's revolution undercover not a solution alone even if disappointing even when betraying let my allusions surf the six temples shadows bathing my past resembles to come clean find the place beyond the cold mean like the twirl of the system no one else wanted to resist him took me there to the middle of no where my dilemma is that frightened half no good to steal no good to laugh but with a wake up to them dreams such a slap a wisdom's muse would eventually snap stars dance her sky tortures her glance crimson red and she realizes that the once for all so be it would summarize this would the potion grant a pain? the poison of them affairs regard my chained name let go just say yes to saying no stay awake don't sleep take a break ------ravenfeels