I was an observant child. I learned a lot of things growing up. Things kids are not supposed to witness are tattooed on the back of my mind. I learned the importance of discipline as fear was used to keep me in line. I learned that lying is only bad if you get caught and the truth can be bent as far as you'd like to make your stories align.
A lot of my parents' lessons made me learn things like love is earned not given. A cruel truth they taught to a kid who was only seven. I learned that I do not deserve their love or attention unless I do something, unless I accomplish the things to make me worth their affection. I was a smart child. I was admired when all I wanted was to be loved.
My parents raised me. Growing up all I wanted was to be like my dad but now I'm worried I see him in my rage whenever I get mad. I learned to throw a punch before i learned how to apologize, I learned how to act strong when all along no one told me it was okay to be weak, I learned how to smile before I learned how to be happy and I learned to shout before I learned how to speak.
I am not a child anymore. People would commend me throw compliments at my way as if not knowing a candle kills itself faster the brighter it burns. I open up about the things I learned and they tell me it may be wrong but it made me strong. It made me stronger and it helped me become the artist I am today but I was a child. I did not want to be stronger I needed to be safe.
I learned a lot of things growing up. I learned that sadness felt familiar so I'm relieved when tragedy happens. I sometimes purposely set myself up for failure to at least have a reason to be sad. Self sabotage became my language and boy am I good at speaking. I learned I wanted to **** myself but still learning how to make it easier for the people I love when I'm gone so I slowly make them hate me.
I learned that I am not a good person, I learned that my parents tried to be. They're still trying. When you are not fed love on a silver spoon you learn to lick it off knives and maybe that's why every poem I write hurts me more than it hurts anyone else.
This is raw and there was no planning involved. I guess I just really needed to.say it out loud.