On July 18th 2021 A dark triangle will cover our sun. The populace will cower The populace will shriek And buy enough loo roll to last them the week. "We knew they were coming" says President Biden "They broke out of Roswell where we were trying to hide em They're all very friendly If a little bit grey And they've something important they've come here to say" "PEOPLE OF EARTH" the craft started to belt "YOUR PLANET IS BOILING. YOU ARE GOING TO MELT. STOP WITH THE AIR CON STOP WITH THE PLASTIC OR WE'LL HAVE TO STEP IN AND DO SOMETHING DRASTIC" Over the Earth fell a global stunned hush Until to the front a human started to push "But all that takes effort We won't care when we're dead. We want to watch Netflix and eat ***** instead." The space craft glimmered, shook and was gone, The earth was left wondering quite what had gone on, Nobody cared and noone claimed fault, But they'd emptied the oceans and just left us with salt. Far up in space in a tank swimming free Their Octopus Gods were splashing with glee. Revenge for pollution and calamari.