Cold twisted and icy meandering slides. are my enemies alone on their down and out, this my poetesses domain. Enjoy your own slippery slimy ***** cliff ride down.
Lately a very confused entity paid to keep me busy writing back while being intimately intrusive has failed. A snake in my old flame's paradise or my kid's world. Arranged to distract me again from my true love's path agreed upon eons prior.
I can intuit a fools intentions and did cut that naga off soon. I love on free will alone. not fooled to play games In the name of love. I don't care for pimps lures. ~~~~~ By Karijinbba All rights reserved 1954-2021- present.
I return to you all your arrows ball of fire you sent me with undying unending deadly force. Give you back only your eye for an eye as company for your new boom trips